Sunday, October 30, 2016

Clara's Temptation is available for preorder now.

Hello, everyone. It looks like fall is finally upon us. Cooler weather, falling leaves, boots and hoodies, camping out and making smores by an open fire, pig pickins’, and, hallelujah! pumpkin spice scented candles. It’s the only time this aroma infiltrates my surroundings, since I don’t cook or eat anything orange. Honestly, the thought of eating a pumpkin or sweet potato pie gives me the heebie jeebies. I know! I know! How weird is that? We are chocolate pie loaded down with whipped cream lovers around here. At any rate, from right this very minute, until the scent of spruce pine eradicates all other smells, if you enter my humble abode you will be greeted by my all time favorite candle aroma. What’s yours?
It has been a busy spring and summer for me. First of all, I have a new granddaughter to brag about. Her name is Rae and she has those chubby little cheeks and thighs that you can’t help but squeeze. Rae is probably the most content baby I have ever seen. She has slept all night since she was 2 months old, she’s always smiling, and she is an absolute delight to cuddle with. That makes 5 grandchildren for me, so far. The more the merrier!
I’ve told you my favorite aroma. Now I’ll tell you one of my favorite things to do and that is research. I love nothing better than visiting new places and discovering their history. Recently I took a trip to New Orleans and booked a post Katrina tour. Hearing firsthand what some residents experienced after the levees broke left me a bit shell shocked. At times, I felt like I was listening to someone recount an event that had happened in another country. One elderly man told me that when the water rose inside his home it reached to about five inches shy of the ceiling. Him, his wife, and her sister stood on a bed holding on to a light fixture with their noses pressed to the ceiling. He held on for 9 hours. 9 hours of standing in rushing water with the full realization of what will happen if the water rises a few more inches. Can you even imagine? Unfortunately, his wife and her sister lost their grip after a few hours and were swept away never to be recovered. It’s hard for me to even comprehend such horror.
We also stopped at several places along the way which I thoroughly enjoyed and definitely hope to visit again. These were Martin Accordions, Frogmore Cotton Plantation, Tobasco Hot Sauce Factory, Blue Willow Inn, and Bellingrath Gardens to name a few. Have you visited any of these places?
I also spent a week with my family at the Outer Banks this summer and later visited Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Who knows what Point Pleasant is famous for?
Now it’s time for me to settle down and finish the last book of the A Moment in Time Novels. I originally set the date of publication for Clara’s Temptation as late October. I’m sad to say that I’ve been forced to change that date. It will now be released on Christmas day. I had planned to write all summer, but that just did not happen. After several years of pretty much non stop writing, I felt like I needed a summer off. Plus, you have to be in a certain mood to write and, to be honest, I just couldn’t get there this summer, even though I did try a few times. I finally got my mojo back a few weeks ago and now I am writing day and night. I had a few directions to go with Clara, Travis, and Wren and I was finally able to narrow it down to one and now I am headed toward the finish line. The book is now coming along great and I hope it will be worth the wait.
          So, Clara’s Temptation is available for preorder here for publication on December 25, 2016.
Have a great fall everyone!
Keep those emails coming. I love hearing from you!


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Release of Clara's Forever

At long last I can finally say that I have typed The End to Clara’s Forever. I was beginning to worry about finishing it on time because, to be honest, the last month has been insanely busy
I am proud to announce that I have a new granddaughter, Cathryn Rae, who is absolutely adorable with these chubby little cheeks that you just can’t help but smooch on. My little Clara, the original Clara Mae, recently turned four, plus, I have three other grandchildren to dote on.
I just returned from a seven-day cruise a few weeks ago. Yes, I do love cruising. Call me spoiled, but I love the pampering one gets on a ship, especially in the spa. For the record, I probably need a twelve step program for I am hopelessly addicted to facials and pedicures.
Some people spend their money on port excursions. Not me, nope, I spend my spare pennies on me. If the truth be told, I spend the majority of my life in my recliner writing books, so I when I get a chance to go forth and see the world I am all over it. And the food on a cruise, oh, let’s not even go there, but I will say that I adore room service!
Okay, let’s discuss Clara’s Forever for a moment. I totally stepped out of the box with Book Four in the A Moment in Time series. When you read it you will see what I mean. Trust me, when I started the book none of the ideas that came about between the characters were already percolating in my mind, admittedly a place where peculiar thoughts sometimes tend to germinate. However, as I continued to write, it was like a natural progression of the storyline and I just went with it. About halfway through Chapter 16 I was like, “Seriously, is this really happening?”
It was.
I can’t wait to hear your responses so here is the link to Clara’s Forever

Keep the messages and email coming. I love hearing from you all.
Happy reading!
