Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you are having a wonderful and Merry Christmas, each and every one of you. To me, it’s the most wonderful time of the year since I love big gatherings of family and friends. Granted, it would have been a tad bit cozier if we could have all gathered around the fireplace and roasted chestnuts on an open fire, instead of running the air conditioner. As it was, the temperature hovered around 80 degrees for most of the day in North Carolina.

I made the mistake of buying my poor grandchildren those thick onesie footed pajamas for Christmas without realizing it would be Christmas in July this year. For the first time since they were born my babies didn’t get to wake up in their new pajamas on Christmas morning. They would have been in danger of a heat stroke if they had even tried. They wore them for about 30 minutes before beginning to perspire heavily.

Yesterday for lunch, Christmas Eve, my three sons and their families came home to celebrate with barbecue and all the fixings. I had made rice krispie treats, chex mix, chocolate peanut butter balls, and chocolate pies the night before. (Yes, we love chocolate!) Honestly, no sweet potato, pumpkin, pecan pie, or any of those deserts for my crowd at the holidays or any other time. We are creatures of habit, and as my sweet daughter in laws have found over the years, anything besides chocolate pie or banana pudding simply will not be eaten.

Later that evening my brother and his family came bearing a huge pot of delicious chicken stew. Then we all gathered in the family room to play Pictionary and charades (hilarious) and laughed until we cried.

This morning I made my rounds visiting my grandchildren to see what Santa left them. Now at 3:00 on Christmas afternoon it’s time to sit down in front of this laptop and devote the rest of the day to writing Clara’s Forever. Since it will possibly be the last book of the Lynna and Clara series, I intend for it to be one of my best ones yet.

Thank you so much for supporting my books for another year and all of your wonderful emails. Keep them coming. I love hearing from you. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
