Thursday, November 21, 2013

Lynna's Promise

The wait is almost over. First and foremost thank you for the many emails telling me how much you are enjoying the Tropical Paradise Series. I love that you are so excited for the next book. I also appreciate the emails informing me of what you want, and don't want, to read in Book Three.
Ha! Mostly what you don't want. I love it!
So many of you care about what happens to Joshua, Lynna, Clara, and Sean and I am grateful that you are so invested in my writing. I really love reading your emails, so keep in touch.
So, the editing is finished, the cover is in place, which I LOVE,, and Lynna's Promise is ready for her Thanksgiving Day debut. I can't wait for you to read it!
Like most of you, I will be cooking for my family that day. There will be two empty chairs at the table this year, so the joy that normally comes with the holidays will be absent, but with God's grace we will make it.
After you have stuffed your tummy with turkey, dressing, and pecan pie I hope you curl up on the couch with Lynna's Promise and spend a few hours with the Jordan's. Unless, like me, you have already promised to take your grandchildren to see the Disney movie Frozen after lunch.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours!

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